Bentham Christmas Rearing Calf Show and Sale
Wednesday 6th December
The Christmas Show didn't disappoint at Bentham Auction Mart, with 133 calves forward, met by a full complement of buyers from as far as Durham, Cheshire & York, along with the local Farmers.
Champion Christmas Calf R E Woodhouse £510.
Judging the pre-sale show was Ian Ellis of New Hutton, Kendal who chose Isaac & Robert Woodhouse's Blue Bull as his Champion.
Champion Christmas Calf R E Woodhouse £510.
Taking the Reserve rosette was George & David Whitwell, with their second prize Blue Bull. The champion later sold to the judge, Ian Ellis for a sale topping £510, whilst the reserve realised £480 selling to regular buyer Chris Baxter of Leeds.
Best quality heifers sold to £440 twice for Ken Duncan's first place Blue heifer, and John Airey's Blue. A total of 56 Blue calves saw 35 bulls average £357, and 21 heifers average £300.
All calves sold to full value, best Natives to £390 for Angus heifers from RG & B Lewis, Middleton, and Hereford bulls to £360 from Hambleton View Farms.
Black & White trade similar on the week, the best £108-£118, topping at £125 again from RG & B Lewis. Younger sorts £70-£90 with the smaller end £35-£50 to average £68.32.
Black and White calves wanted next week, 13th December rather than the week before Christmas.
Christmas Calf