Devon County Show

16th - 18th May 2024

Solway View Sassy

Supreme Champion, Solway View Sassy from The Haste Family (Stoneleigh Herd)

Judge:  Mr. T Bodily

Class: C74 Best Bull born on or after 1st January 2023
1st - Lewemcor Tango Bell (DRIFT DOMINO) Exhibited By Mr Anthony Power
Class: C75 Male Champion

Champion  - Lewemcor Tango Bell (DRIFT DOMINO) Exhibited By Mr Anthony Power

Class: C76 Best Heifer born on or after 1st January 2023.
1st - Highland Blues Tay (HIGHRIDGE BLUES NAPOLEON) Exhibited By Mr Andrew Luxton

Class: C77 Female Champion
Champion - SOLWAY VIEW SASSY (ENGIN D HONTOIR) Exhibited By Mr Andrew Haste
Reserve Champion  - Highland Blues Spruce (HIGHRIDGE BLUES NAPOLEON) Exhibited By Mr Andrew Luxton

Class: C78 Best Group of Three Cattle
1st - 138 - SOLWAY VIEW SASSY (ENGIN D HONTOIR) Exhibited By Mr Andrew Haste
1st - 137 - Stoneleigh Suzy (STONELEIGH ONE IN A MILLION) Exhibited By Mr Andrew Haste
1st - 132 - Stoneleigh Super Ted (SOLWAY VIEW OSCAR) Exhibited By Mr Andrew Haste

Class: C79 Best Exhibit bred by the Exhibitor who is resident in Devon
1st - 138 - SOLWAY VIEW SASSY (ENGIN D HONTOIR) Exhibited By Mr Andrew Haste

Class: C80 Breed Champion
Champion - SOLWAY VIEW SASSY (ENGIN D HONTOIR)  Exhibited By Mr Andrew Haste
Reserve Champion - Highland Blues Spruce (HIGHRIDGE BLUES NAPOLEON) Exhibited By Mr Andrew Luxton

Class: C81 Champion Pair (Qualifier)
1st - 138 - SOLWAY VIEW SASSY (ENGIN D HONTOIR)  Exhibited By Mr Andrew Haste
1st - 135 - Lewemcor Tango Bell (DRIFT DOMINO) Exhibited By Mr Anthony Power


British Blue x Commercial Champion
Owner:- Michael Kirby
Name:- Handsfree
Sex :- Heifer