RWASRoyal Welsh Show 2024

22nd - 25th July

Solway View Tamsin

Female & Overall Champion - Solway View Tamsin

British Blue results

Judge Mr Andrew Price – Bedgebury Herd

Bull born on or after Jan 1 2023

1st Simon Hughes - Hawthorn Blues Titan (MANCHESTER DU BOIS REMONT)
2nd Kevin Watret - Solway View Tenley (BOHERARD OVERDOSE)
3rd GL & KS Morgan - Almeley Thunderstorm (GASS OKAY)

Hawthorn Blues Titan

Male Champion - Hawthorn Blues Titan

Cow in calf or calf at foot

1st Rhys Millichap - Rhymil Pocahontas (GITAN DU PTI'T MAYEUR)
2nd Rhiwonnen Blues - Bringlee Madame (FLEURON DE MAFFE)

Rhys Millichap - Rhymil Pocahontas

Rhymil Pocahontas

Heifer in calf or maiden  born between July 1 2021 and April 30 2022

1st GL & KS Morgan - Almeley Scarlett (GASS OKAY)
2nd Coul Estate Partnership

Heifer in Alf or maiden born between May 1st 2022 and Feb 28 2023

1st Kevin Watret - Solway View Spicey (DODOU DE ST REMACLE)

Heifer in calf or maiden born on or after Mar 2023

1st Kevin Watret - Solway View Tamsin (BOHERARD OVERDOSE)
2nd Rhiwonnen Blues - Bringlee Tansy (ZEST DU CIRCUIT)
3rd Kevin Watret - Solway View Tahani (BOHERARD OVERDOSE)

Male Champion

Simon Hughes - Hawthorn Blues Titan (MANCHESTER DU BOIS REMONT)

Highest placed Junior Female

Kevin Watret - Solway View Tamsin (BOHERARD OVERDOSE)

Female Champion

Kevin Watret - Solway View Tamsin (BOHERARD OVERDOSE)


Linda Morgan


Overall Champion

Kevin Watret - Solway View Tamsin (BOHERARD OVERDOSE)

Res Rhiwonnen Blues - Bringlee Tansy (ZEST DU CIRCUIT)

Royal Welsh British Blue Line-up

Royal Welsh Show

Hutchinson Photography