Annual General Meeting 2023

Notice is given that the 2023 Annual General Meeting of the Society will be held on Friday 12th May, at the Shepherds Inn, Carlisle, commencing at 7.00pm, when the following business will be considered: -

Apologies for absence.


To consider the following Ordinary Business: -

Approval of the minutes of the 2022 meeting.

Resolution 1

To receive the report of the Society and Trustees and the Financial Statements for the year ended 31st December 2022 with the Independent Examiner’s report thereon

Resolutions 2 - 6

To elect

Mr. J Barber

Mr. J O’Kell

Mr. S Hough

As National Members of the Council of Management of the Society, for a four-year period of office, until the AGM of 2027.

There being three nominations for the three vacant seats.

Resolution 7

To authorize the Council of Management to offer the role of Society Independent Examiner out to tender.

Dated 19th April 2023

By order of the Board

Andy Ryder

Society Company Secretary

Postal Voting Card AGM



1. Only fully paid up, ‘Full Members’ of the Society are eligible to vote
2. No person can be elected if they receive more votes against than for, in any circumstance